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Lent inspiring Stockport Academy students to perform 40 Acts of Kindness

How often do you go out of your way to do something nice for someone else?

That’s exactly what students at Stockport Academy are doing throughout Lent as part of a ’40 Acts of Kindness’ challenge.

From chatting with someone outside of your usual group of friends to picking up litter or complimenting somebody, there are lots of ways to make a difference.

Students have been signing up for the task at the Academy faith room, where there are several activity stations that they can also get involved in.

One example sees students simply writing down things they are thankful for and sticking it on a window, while another invites them to model clay pots to represent how they have been shaped into the person they are today.

Stockport Academy Chaplain Karen Beal said: “It gives young people a bit of time out to reflect on different aspects of life and, if it’s their custom to pray, it allows them to do that as well. I hope the challenge will help them to think about things and make a positive difference to their lives and others.”

If you’d like to take part in this uplifting task, click here for some inspiration.