News, Enrichment

PE Department Appoints New Sports Leader Captains

Our PE department were delighted to appoint a new generation of Sports Leader Captains to support the training and mentoring of the rest of our Sports Leaders.

Students were interviewed for the roles by PE staff, and were asked questions such as why they wanted to take the post and what qualities they felt would be needed to go a good job.

Sports Leaders are one of several student leadership roles across Stockport Academy, with selected students using their passion for sport to support the subject across the rest of the school and within the community, helping to organise events and even referee primary school tournaments that are hosted either in our Sports Hall, Astro Pitches or Multi Use Game Area (MUGA).

In total, 25 students were appointed Sports Leader Captains across Years 8-11 and were honoured in assemblies and presented with Sports Leader Captain T-shirts once they found out they had been successful.

PE Teacher and Co-curricular Co-ordinator Ms Foster said: “The standard of applicant was really high and it was tricky to pick the very best students as everyone did such a brilliant job!

“It was great to see such passion from our students as they talked about their involvement in PE and we are really excited to help them develop their leadership skills further as part of our Future Me student leadership programme.”