
Stockport Academy Christmas Market Is A Festive Fiesta

The countdown to Christmas officially got underway at the weekend, with Stockport Academy’s annual Christmas Market taking place.

Hundreds of people visited the school on Saturday (24th November) to enjoy the festivities, with the SAY Brass Band, the Stockport Academy Choir and SA Steel Pans providing some wonderful entertainment throughout the day.

With around 50 stalls there was something for everyone, and provided the perfect opportunity for guests to finish (or start!) their Christmas shopping.

Our Dance Studio was magically transformed into Santa’s Grotto, where children could visit the Big Man himself and leave with a present and photo of the occasion, while in the Refectory, our chocolate tombola was as popular as ever.

Younger visitors also had the opportunity to meet Pikachu and the Stockport Academy Minion and have a go on our bouncy castle, with traditional Bratwurst and pulled pork sandwiches on offer in the kitchen if anyone felt a bit peckish.

Mr Prince, who organised the event, said: “We had such a great day at the Christmas Market and the atmosphere was absolutely brilliant. It’s always a pleasure to welcome the local community into our school and it was fantastic to see everyone having a great time and getting into the festive spirit.

“Thank you to everyone who attended – either as a stallholder, visitor or volunteer - to help make the event such a success.”