
Students Get Colourful For Mental Health Day

Students and staff at Stockport Academy helped colour the school yellow as part of National Mental Health Awareness Day on 10th October.

As well as holding a yellow-themed non-uniform day to raise money for charity, students took part in creating yellow bunting to decorate school corridors, with each flag bearing its own hand-written message of support.

The school adopted the colour for the day as part of mental health charity YoungMinds’ #HelloYellow campaign, in direct support of National Mental Health Awareness Day on October 10th.

Stockport Academy recently became the first school in the country to receive the School Mental Health Award, which recognises establishments that dedicate a significant focus towards raising awareness of the issue and promoting positive wellbeing among students and staff.

PE Teacher Ms Foster was also recently appointed as an ambassador to local mental health charity the Jamie Horrocks Trust, in a role that will see her receive training to become a mental health first aid specialist.

In addition to Ms Foster, the school has appointed a separate mental health lead member of staff and provides regular drop-in sessions with counsellors, introduced following research by the Student Council to determine what support could be put in place for those who may need it.

Stockport Academy Principal Mrs McCann, said: “The importance of mental wellbeing and mindfulness is high on the agenda across the country at the moment, and we are proud to have so much going on at Stockport Academy in direct support of this.

“It is our job as teachers to provide an education with character for our young people a key part of that involves encouraging them to take care of their mental health so we can all look after each other.”