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Keep the memory alive - Holocaust memorial week

Angela Sorby / Categories: News

Keep the memory alive - Holocaust memorial week

Mr Demby leads students from all years down a path of remembrance.

The Jewish Shtetl
And once,
there was a garden,
and a child,
and a tree.
And once,
there was a father,
and a mother,
and a dog.
And once,
there was a house,
and a sister,
and a grandma.
And once,
there was life.


 ".....we must keep our ears alert to the language of hatred, the mad language that allows pitiless killing, the language that dehumanizes both the victim and the perpetrator."    Stephen Fry

"The only thing we learn from history
Is that we learn nothing from history."  Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a German philosopher

"Those who cannot remember the past
Are condemned to repeat it."  George Santayana, a Spanish philosopher

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